Friday, February 16, 2007

The word of mouth gets my message through

The second in a series of exciting newsletter about that guy called magnum from Liverpool

A lot has happened since my last letter, and as I can’t remember when that was I hope you’ll forgive any oversights in my writing. The main event of the last few months has been the Christian Union house party. This was a great time for the C.U. to spend time together and focus on God and getting to know each other better. We had some excellent teaching on “the Cross” and as relay workers, Sarah and I ran a seminar on “Using the Bible in Evangelism”. The clear highlight was however the North vs. South annual football match, and I’m pleased to report that the north regained the title 18-7 after a hard fought game that saw everything, except skilful football. If anyone doubts just how much this game means to people I included a couple of photos from after the final whistle.

Probably the next biggest thing I have been involved in was going to help out at St Martins College, Lancaster’s Mission Week. Despite only having small numbers the Christian Union put on a series of lunchtime and evening events that saw most if not all the students given the chance to hear and ask questions about Christianity. It was really encouraging to see people really caring that students on their campus be given this opportunity.

Since my last letter I have given several talks, including one about the Beatles and Christianity (A level music coming in useful for once!). This is something I have really enjoyed doing and hope to have the opportunity to do more of in the future. We also had the Liverpool CU annual carol service at the end of last year which was attended by about 500 people and was a great chance for people to hear the gospel at one of the few times many people go to church.

After the new year I went on a study week in north Wales with the rest of the north-west

team and then a mere two weeks later went to the second relay conference for the year. Both of these provided great opportunities to spend time as a team whilst also learning lots of great stuff. We also looked into the little known book of Zephaniah for our bible studies giving me at least some preparation for helping to lead a cu small group, which was short of leaders for this year. Something I hadn’t done much of before I am now really enjoying it.

We are now very close to the C.U.’s annual mission week, this year entitled “Truth” and to that end we had a fund raising auction last week, which raised about £1,800. Mission week is a week of outreach events, on the campuses of all 3 universities in Liverpool, when we really try to get anyone who is interested to be able to hear and ask questions. I will be at the week as a guest to help out. Finally, this weekend is the training weekend for all the new leaders for the CU next year. I’ve somehow managed to end up playing guitar and leading a seminar so it should be fun!
Logo - for the Truth mission week

Prayer points . . . .

* Pray for the mission week, that students will be bold in inviting people and the events will go well

* Pray for the new leaders as they take over next month

* Pray for me, that I continue to grow through study and work for the rest of the year.

Please do stay in touch with me:

Magnum, 5 Hereford Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 9HJ.

07870 841 620 0151 283 0508

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.